Unemployment and job insecurity is widespread in Liberia, particularly among the youth, the next generation of leaders. Liberia has broken its promise of providing a prosperous future to this group of its citizenry. Liberian youth have the potential to change the course of Liberia's future. Left alone, a large number of economically disenfranchised youth who are unemployed, underemployed or unemployable could represent a simmering threat to the peace and stability Liberia has enjoyed over last 18 years; however, the CPP believes that equipped with the proper tools, Liberia's youth is well able to meet the demands of today's job market.
The CPP will work aggressively to address Liberia's unemployment challenge, which we believe is the greatest security risk facing the nation. CPP will empower Liberia's youth and citizens through innovative skills training and development programs tailored to meet private sector investors' needs and serve the greater comm unity. We will focus on attracting investors across different sectors throughout the country thereby creating diverse job opportunities for Liberians. More importantly, we will employ a dual-track focus with investors, attracting foreign investment in labor -intensive industries such as manufacturing and tourism, that provide a high number of jobs. Investors will further be required to develop human capital and Liberian capacity to occupy a given percentage a senior level positions.
In addition to jobs, Liberia also needs aggressive economic expansion. CPP will begin by transforming our country int o an inclusive economy with equal opportunities for all our citizens. CPP will focus on small to medium sized businesses - empowering the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) so that they can become the true engine of growth and job creation.
The CPP will ensure that Liberian women are fully engaged in our economic community by recognizing their priorities. Through organs like the Women's Economic Empowerment Council, an CPP administration will leverage recommendations to unlock economic opportunities for Liberian women.
Liberians and Liberian businesses must be the key drivers of Liberia's economic growth for Liberians to substantially benefit from economic expansion. To put Liberians firsts, the CPP will institute the Liberian Economic Empowerment (LEE) program. The LEE program will open avenues and find markets for Liberians to become self-sufficient, invest in their communities, develop human capital and create new opportunities for fellow citizens.
Specifically, the CPP will provide Liberian businesses with affordable credit and access to loans, as well as other technical assistance. We will strengthen and enforce our current Liberianization policies to ensure that Liberians and their businesses are competitive in Liberia's private sector. an CPP government will also prioritize empowering Liberian businesses by facilitating international supplier relationships, and ensuring that our government procures from Liberians first.
Our priorities include:
* Stimulating the economy by launching a 20 Million Dollar empowerment fund for market women, farmers, youth businesses and the disabled
* Creating 600,000 new jobs within 6 years
* Ensuring that the private sector, including Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) become the true engine of growth and job creation
* Focus on wealth creation for Liberians - ensuring that there are more successful Liberians in business
* Creating employment opportunities for all members of society, including women, youth and the disabled
* Strengthening and supporting Liberian entrepreneurs who are investing in their communities
* Attracting labor-intensive industries and securing Liberian representation into positions in top management positions; and
* Investing in existing and traditional industries to reach their full potential.
When implemented, Liberia will decrease its dependency on aid and look to the government and private sector for services, increase its export portfolio, particularly in agriculture, and increase the national budget up to 2 billion.